Friend of the Cavalry museum

The Cavalry museum is depending on the support of its ´Friends´ among others to keep its financial stuation healthy. Their yearly contribution enables us to organize temporary displays, to perform maintenance on and restoration of the objects in the museum. Also to obtain new and unique objects that concern the Cavalry and its history.
‘Friends’ are allowed to use our library when  they study historic people and interesting facts and other subjects.
The museum is a meeting place for veterans, not just from the Cavalry but from other parts of the military as well, for (ex) cavalrymen and for everybody who is interested in the history of the army in general and the Cavalry in particular.

Please support the Cavalry museum as a ´Friend´ with a yearly donation of minimal € 15,00 or more if you would like to donate a larger amount.
You will then receive:
  • a present to welcome you;
  • the  Vriendenpas (Friends´pass) that provides free entrance to the museum for you and up to three guests;
  • entrance to the yearly Vriendendag (Friends´day) with maximal three members of your family or guests;
  • at least 1 x per year the Nieuwsbrief (Newsletter) providing information about the museum and more interesting topics.
  • You can apply by filling in the applycation form  and sending it to us.

Changes, announcements and questions:
You can send us your changes, announcements and questions  by filling in the changes form  and sending it to us. .






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