The museum is housed at the Bernhardkazerne barracks |
Opening hours: |
Tuesdays until Fridays from 10H00 - 16H00 |
Closed: |
January 1st, Koningsdag (April 27th), Ascension day, December 25th, 26th and 31st. |
Entrance fees: |
Adults |
€ 5.- |
Adults (in groups of 10 or more) |
€ 4.- per person |
Young persons from 6 until 18 years |
€ 3.- |
Museumkaart (Dutch museum voucher) |
Free admittance |
Friends of the Cavaleriemuseum, miltary personnel on active duty and |
Free admittance |
Veterans (on presenting their identity pass). |
Free admittance |
Telephone: |
033-4661996 |
Fax: |
033-4661493 |
Email: |
It is only possible to pay cash in the museum, ther is no possibility to use a PIN card.